18th Century Friends’ Association

We define as a group of history fans. Our goal is to faithfully imitate both the military and civilian life of the 18th century with a special attention to the "Seven Years' War" and the “French and Indian War”. We take part in the battle re-enactments and we even organize our own historical re-enactments.

77th Highland Regiment of Foot

We deal with the history of the French and Indian War and strive to provide the most faithful historical authenticity of the 77th Mountain Infantry Regiment. That applies not only for the equipment, armaments and combat but also for the then daily life of ordinary soldiers and people. We participate, among other things, in the historical battle re-enactments and various festivities, where we unravel the "living history" to the general public.

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60th Regiment of Foot-Royal American

We are a start-up group that strives to re-enact the 60th Infantry Regiment of British troops, also called the Royal Americans, as faithfully and accurately as possible. The 60th Royal American Infantry Regiment was formed after the dissolution of the 62nd Regiment, which was (like others) formed by order of the British government after the defeat of General Braddock in 1755. It differed mainly in the fact that a large part of the troops was recruited between Swiss and German colonists in Pennsylvania, Virginia and Maryland. The officers were then experienced men from Europe (English, Irish, Scots, Germans, Swiss or Dutch). The equipment, armaments and tactics of the regiment were initially standard but later on, they adapted to the fighting in the forest.

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His Majesty Independent Company

Independent companies were military units that were without a specific home regiment. Consequently, they had no superior and the captains of these units were directly subordinate to the king. In practice, such a commander was ordered by the Minister of Foreign Affairs or the Minister of Defense on behalf of the king. In the colonies, the governor was authorized to issue orders to these units on behalf of the king.

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Rogers Rangers

Our domestic military-historical group is dedicated to the Rogers’ Rangers unit. We primarily focus on mastering the tactics of combat and reconnaissance. We use historical replicas of arms and equipment and while staying in the wilderness and camping, we strive to preserve the way of the then life as faithfully and authentically as possible. Since 2002, we have been one of the 16 regional companies of Jaeger’s Rogers’ Rangers Battalion in Michigan, USA.

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New Hampshire Provincial Regiment

This interest association represents a New Hampshire regiment, whose men never wore uniforms and used civilian clothes as well as arms. They actually made most of the equipment themselves. Nevertheless, after their arrival in Albany in the summer of 1755, they were considered by many to be better than the entire army of New York and Rhode Island. We pride ourselves with being able to perfectly imitate the equipment and armament of these non-uniformed colonists, their combat tactics and survival in the wilderness.

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Compagnies Franche de la Marine

The French Ministry of the Navy had French Marines to defend the territory and local civilians, as well as control and manage trade with certain Indian tribes. Our Compagnies Franche de la Marine unit was formed in 2003. Through our activities, we try to get as close as possible to the Marines’ way of life, military drill, tactics and survival in the wilderness. Of course, all of the aforementioned while using historical replicas of clothing and equipment.

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Milice d la Nouvelle-France

We represent a militia unit of the French Irregular Military. Above all, we faithfully restore the characteristic "guerrilla" way of war of these ununiformed civilians as well as the traditions of their everyday life. Militia units, in very much same manner as their Allied Indians, used to travel very lightly clothed in the field. Naturally, we strive for a faithful reconstruction of their clothing, equipment and armaments, which, in addition to muskets and rifles, also includes light axes and knives.

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Association info

We take great interest in the history of the French and Indian War which kept going from 1754 up to 1763 in the territory of today's Canada and the United States. We are renewing the traditions of the time passed and breathe new life into the atmosphere of military and civilian lifestyle.

Throughout the whole year, we take part in the battle re-enactments and organize our own historical events. Wherever we go, our equipment goes with us, that means historical replicas of clothing, equipment, arms and armaments whilst we also camp in historically authentic tents. In addition to combat techniques and survival in the wilderness, we take pride in restoring the crafts and cuisine of the 18th century and try to get as faithful as possible to the then way of life of soldiers and civilians.

If you are interested in our association and you would like to join us, we got some good news - there is nothing easier. Choose a unit and contact them directly (each group listed has a contact info attached). We look forward to welcoming you into our ranks.

Event calendar

Manévry z Francouzsko-Indiánských válek

4. 4. 2025 - 6. 4. 2025

Pohár starých křesadel

16. 5. 2025 - 18. 5. 2025
Starý Kolín

Letní táboření

2. 7. 2025 - 6. 7. 2025
Malá Morávka